by Kelley Rene District 25 Admin Manager
The gavel sounded the start of the first D25 Virtual Business Meeting of 2021-2022 on Sunday, September 12th. Ninfa Flewitt, the current District Director, called the meeting to order. With an established quorum verified by Jodie Sanders, John Bergs motioned to adopt the 2020-2021 Year-end Audit Report, Larry Core motioned to approve the 2021-2022 Budget Proposal, and Jesse Ford motioned to confirm all appointed officers. All motions passed. It was tough competition amongst the Division Directors as they presented rousing reviews of their clubs’ progress. Marian Hicks took home the coveted Inspiration Plaque with her invite for all to board BLT Airlines flight #DCP10, final destination — the island of Distinguished Clubs! The next virtual business meeting will be hosted on Zoom May 14, 2022. A final gavel drop signaled another productive VBM in the books.