How Many ‘Stars’ Are On Your DCP Ribbon?

by Diana Patton, DTM We are about mid-way through our 2018-2019 Toastmaster year.  How is your club progressing to achieving Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals established from your Club Success Plan? At the summer Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) each club received a shiny red ribbon and set of stars to record when your members and…

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2018 SummitDistrict Events

We traveled by Map!

by Jamie Pickering, Program Quality Director Everything I ever needed to know I learned from Muppets, and you!  On November 10 the gavel went down on a new destination for District 25, the Summit. Dana Morgan Barnes, Past District 26 Governor, dialed in our compasses to a new direction. All eyes were on her In…

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