District EventsSpeech Contests

Change Is In The Wind!

by Lola Stone IP5, LD4 – D25 Contest Coordinator   Fellow Toastmasters: March is the month when Spring is in the air, bringing the winds of change!  Can you feel the change coming? March is also the month of our Speech Contests.   Area Evaluation and International Speech Contests are continuing! Speech contests are like…

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District EventsSpeakers Bureau

D25 Speakers Bureau Showcase

by Liz Brenner DTM Recently, the District 25 Speakers Bureau held an open house to showcase their talent. And boy, did they ever do that! The D25 Speakers Bureau is made up of members from D25 Toastmasters clubs, representing the most outstanding public speakers in the organization. This event demonstrated the wide skill set of…

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Good AdviceTLI

Why Attend Another TLI?

by Jesse Ford DL4/SR3 Division G Director If I got trained over the summer, why do I have to do it again? Because I said so. Didn’t you hate that answer as a kid? In truth, TLI training is a requirement by Toastmasters International. That seems a little redundant and not very inspiring, but I…

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2021-22 Outstanding MembersIndividual AccomplishmentsOutstanding MembersSpeakers Bureau

Outstanding Member – February 2022

by Ninfa Flewitt DTM District Director If you are looking for encouragement, an attentive listener, and more opportunities to speak to outside of Toastmasters, then you must have a conversation with this month’s District 25 Outstanding Member. Calvin Dorsey, Speaker’s Bureau Chair, has made it his mission to ensure that the Speaker’s Bureau exceeds member…

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