by Emily Murray DTM District Director
Hello Club Officers!
It’s time to elect your 2024-2025 club officers! Something I’m sure your club has either already completed or has planned to complete before the end of this month.
This is awesome! A slate of strong officers sets the foundation and tone for the next year of your club- hopefully your incoming 2024-2025 officers are excited, eager, dedicated, ready to grow, ready for a challenge and supportive of both Toastmasters and Pathways.
Once your club has held the election and you have determined your future- the next and most important thing is to register them with Toastmasters International. This is usually done by the club Secretary or President, but can be done by any current officer.
The process is extremely straight-forward and pretty quick: the person who has agreed to handle this responsibility just needs to log into their profile at and click on the Club Central tile for the club and then click the “Club Officer Assignment” box.
From there it’s really easy- everything is just a drop down menu! You pick the appropriate person, and then the drop down for the role and the start date. Easy Peasy, then submit when you have them all selected and it’s all done.
I encourage you to do this as soon as possible- the deadline is June 30. Any club that doesn’t have the officer list submitted by then will have a hard time getting credit for Officer Training (which starts in July- watch the calendar for more info! , accessing the dashboard, inputting member updates, adding new members, etc. It can be a total bear for several weeks until TI can catch up and enter them manually if this deadline is missed- so let’s work to not miss it!
It’s so important that TI counts it as 50% of Distinguished Club Goal #10- for next year’s team. It’s the only goal you submit before the year even starts! So let’s start your incoming officers off on the best foot possible so it’ll be easy to grow from the seeds you’ve planted for them.
If you check if your officer list was entered and updated correctly- the master list updates every night- so you should see it on this list the morning after submission: July Club Officer List.
I know some of you have already completed this- and thank you for being early and proactive! As of my writing this on June 10, we have 26 clubs that have already completed this quick job. I hope to see that list jump rapidly in the next week or so- and to 100% by the end of the month!
Thank you for taking a quick minute to handle this essential task, it is appreciated by me, the district, and your club.
I look forward to seeing you soon- maybe at the Year End Celebration in August?
Until then- Keep Sharing Your Sunshine so that Here We Grow under 2024-2025 District Director Jesse Ford!