Allan Pickering
Summit Manager

Preliminary Schedule


Times subject to change.  Details schedule to be posted as plans are finalized.

Time Event Location
7:00 AM Registrations Opens
7:15 AM Doors Open
7:45 AM Call to Order Area Council
Keynote: Sallie Spradlin-Jett, “Club Culture: Ignite your Club’s Shine!” There will also be a special event with our Region Advisor.
9:50 AM Break
10:00 AM Session Block One
Jeffery R. Mercier, “Vulnerability is the Key to Being Invulnerable” Aurora
Brandi Wesley, “Imposter Syndrome” Salon A-C
Karen Phelps, “Optimizing your Toastmaster Experience!” Salon H-F
10:50 AM Break
11:00 AM Session Block Two
Marcheta Gardner, “Keep Moving & Unleash Your Brilliance” Salon H-F
Jeni Malla, “Spread Joy through the Power of Communication” Aurora
Dave Papenmeier & Jennifer Hanks “Be WEIRD, RARE, and WILD to Shine Brighter” Salon A-C
12:00 PM Lunch & Keynote
Keynote: Elly Malaxos, “My Hydra: Strategies to “control the to-do list beast”!”
1:30 PM Session Block Three
Najaf Dostalieyev, “The “Your” Way! Go & Do It!” Aurora
Candie Blunt, “What does your body language say about your speech?” Salon A-C
Claryce Cook, “Unite and Ignite: Inspire a New Generation” Salon H-F
2:20 PM Break
2:30 PM Session Block Four
Dr. Stephanie Althouse, “Ignite Your Mission: Shine Step-by-Step” Aurora
Tracy Speyer, “You Can Do It!” Salon H-F
Lawrencina Mason Oramalu and Mason Sly, “Growing, Glowing and Toasting with Confidence” Salon A-c
3:20 PM Break
3:30 PM Leadership Speed Dating – Marcheta Gardner, District Leadership Chair Salon H-F
4:30 PM Summit Closing & Raffle
5:30 PM DTM Ceremony Rehearsal
6:30 PM Doors Open, Dignitary Parade Lineup
6:45 PM Dignitary Parade
7:00 PM Dinner & Keynote
Keynote: Kim Story Haagen, “It’s More Than That”
8:00 PM Distinguished Toastmaster Ceremony
9:45 PM Tear Down
10:00 PM After Party