July 8, 2022
Dear Toastmasters Club President and Club Secretary, Your club has important votes to cast during the 2022 Annual Business Meeting. As stated in the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article X, Section 1, a Toastmasters Member Club in good standing is entitled to two (2) votes at the Annual Business Meeting. There are three steps to casting your club’s votes at the Annual Business Meeting. It is your role to ensure the completion of Step 1 by August 12 at 11:59 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT) or Coordinated Universal Time -5 (UTC -5): |
Once your club’s proxy is assigned, please advise the proxyholder that they will be sent a communication on how to complete Step 2: Credentials. Credentials/the acceptance period starts on August 13.
If the officers in your club have changed, please notify World Headquarters immediately by going to the Club Officer Assignment section of Club Central on the Toastmasters International website. You can also email the changes to clubofficers@toastmasters.org or call the Club Quality and Member Support Department at +1 720-439-5050. For questions or additional information, please email proxyinfo@toastmasters.org or visit the Annual Business Meeting page of the Toastmasters International website. Please plan to attend the Annual Business Meeting, either onsite or online, on Friday, August 19, at 2 p.m. CDT (UTC -5). Please note, due to legal requirements, voting will no longer occur over a 24-hour period. Voting will only occur during the Annual Business Meeting, so be sure to attend from the start. Sincerely, |
Richard E. Peck, DTM |