by Jesse Ford DTM District Director
If you have ever been to any of the main events in District 25 (Summit, Year End Celebration, and Conference) you know that all that any member in D25 needs is a little bit of inspiration. Then you’ll need to stand back because you’re about to see some magic happen! Over the last few months, the planning for the Summit was on top of the list of things to do. The theme of the Summit was “Level Up.” In District 25, that is just what we do…including this one member in particular. Now if you were fortunate enough to attend the Summit on November 9, you got to see some amazing keynotes, attend some incredible education sessions and you got do all this and more while being surrounded by some amazing creativity. Congratulations to Candie Blunt the October Outstanding Member of the month.
What were these amazing decorations that we speak of? The tables had games of Battleship, Mouse Trap and Risk as center pieces. The lights for the DTM ceremony tables were all inside blue and silver balloons and the backdrop of the stage…A life size game of Tetris complete with different block cutouts all held together with magnets and more. Maya Angelou says “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.” I think this sums up just how amazing Candie is and how, when you figure out a way to express your passion, you just don’t know what to expect…other than it will be amazing. Congratulations again to the Summit Decorations Committee Chair Candie Blunt for being the October Outstanding Member of the month.