by Jamie Pickering, DTM, District Director
Reneé stepped up to a challenge to be our District Speaker’s Bureau Chair a couple of months ago and is attacking the role with tenacious audacity, but that’s not why she’s the member of the month.
Reneé proactively found 3 leads to form new clubs and worked closely with the Club Growth Team to develop them further. She showed up in person, spoke on the phone, and made sure she handed them off to the Club Growth Team with introductions and remained engaged with each of the leads. From Reneé’s efforts, there have been 2 information meetings and 1 launch meeting scheduled with a Chartering of a new club imminent.
If that wasn’t enough, she is paving the way to help solidify the newly announced partnership with Rotary.
Thank you, Reneé! Because of your efforts, more people will be able to become a better selves! I’m Celebrating District 25’s Member of the Month, Renee Ruff, 70 Years Strong!