by Allan Pickering, DTM, DTM Co-Chair Summit
The World-Famous District 25 Distinguished Toastmaster Ceremony is nearly here! Please attend the Ceremony at 6:30 pm on November 10th at the Norris Center in vibrant downtown Fort Worth. Our DTM Ceremony is an elegant celebration of your fellow Toastmasters’ achievement of their DTM.
Please do them the honor of your presence to congratulate our twenty participants this fall. There is a dinner and a keynote address by the incomparable Susan Gardner, Past District 50 District Governor. Following that inspiration, we will honor the DTM candidates in a medallion adornment and candlelighting ceremony. You will hear from each one of them as they accept the achievement.
It is a touching evening – I have known Toastmasters that chose to devote themselves to achieving the same rank just by witnessing this event.
Here’s a list of the members that will be honored.
Wendy Alston | Ricky Landerman |
Michael Battaglino | Jack Landry |
Robert Beideck | Nora Loyd |
Steve Bomar | Andrew Machen |
Bindumadhavi Chintha | Robert Madera |
Marcia Courson | Timothy O’Conner |
Jyothi Eppalapalli | Kelly Pelkey |
Mary Concepcion Girodano | Laura Stewart |
Andrew Gregg | Susan Thompson |
Mady Killfoil | Joyce Trimble |