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Area Council Meeting
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Bridge Open 8:00 AM
**Free – registration to Area Council Required**
Location: Zoom
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Summit will follow Area Council Meeting
We encourage you to register for Summit
Summit home page
Summit registration – Open Soon!
Area Council
The area director is the area council chair.
At area council meetings, the area director discusses each club’s plans and goals
in the Distinguished Club Program and reviews attendance at club officer training.
**Each club’s President, VP Education and VP Membership*
are encouraged to attend our District 25 Area Council Meeting.
If those officers are unable to attend a maximum of 3 members
from each club can attend the Area Council Meeting.
All members are encouraged to register for the
Summit which follows Area Council meeting.
Benefits to those attending:
- Will provide the opportunity to network with other club officers your Area and around the District
- Will provide the opportunity to show where club officers can determine their club’s DCP accomplishments
- Will provide an opportunity to explain the Area Director visit and how it can be useful to club
- Will provide an opportunity to explain the Golden Gavel Award and how it helps maintain a strong club foundation
- Will provide an opportunity to discuss the upcoming speech contest season