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Incentives & Awards 2020-2021

 Incentive Handout Spring Feb-June 2021 (posted 2/28/2021)

[/cmsmasters_text][cmsmasters_button shortcode_id=”6cg60hz0n” button_link=”https://www.d25toastmasters.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/HowtoredeemgiftcertificatestotheToastmastersInternationalStore-rev.pdf” button_target=”self” button_text_align=”center” button_font_weight=”default” button_font_style=”default” button_text_transform=”default” button_border_style=”default” button_bg_color=”#f2df74″ button_text_color=”#772432″ animation_delay=”0″]HOW TO REDEEM TOASTMASTER GIFT CERTIFICATES[/cmsmasters_button][cmsmasters_text]





The Road to DTM

The Road To DTM

(November 1, 2020 – April 15, 2021)

Be one of the first 40 members to finish two Level 5 paths of your choice and
you will be entered into a drawing to win one of 5 Toastmasters duffel bags.

Click here for flyer


Members – Completed Level 5 Road to DTM
2 or more level 5s
Drawing WINNER for a Duffle bag
Angie R. Akmakjian
Steffie Bell
Zach H Ceballos
Charles Condit
Dolores Corpuz
Tamara L Dean
Glenda Michelle Debenport
Calvin Dorsey (completed 2 Level 5’s) Yes
Michael R. Duckworth
Michael Ray Dunkel
Susan Waggoner Elliott
Timothy Fields
Jorge Daniel Garcia
Branon D. Gilbert
Norvell Golden
Bryan S Goswick
Nina Wren Henderson
Lisa Herrick
Michael S. Hoffman
Michael D. Levy
Nora K. Loyd
Thaddeus J Mantaro
Amy Long Manuel
Charles Roy Mencke
Marylee D. Mims
Iva Mishra
Melanie Ann Pantoja
Alayna Marie Payne
Scott Thomas Payne
Kelly R. Pelkey
Richard Allan Pickering
Becca Pickern
Dennis M. Regan
Cherry Renee Rushin
Debra Sanford
Diane P. Seidule
Karen Dee Shadden
James William Smith
Joyce V. Trimble



Super 7

Is your Toastmasters Club a SUPER 7 Club? 

Each club that has all 7 officers trained in either of the two training periods will achieve the Super 7 Award and receive a ribbon to proudly hang on the club banner.

Club officers may attend any Toastmasters Leadership Institute held in the June-August training period or the December-February training period. 

Fine Print: Open only to District 25 Toastmasters Clubs in good standing. In order to qualify for the Super 7 Award, all 7 club officers must attend District Sponsored training held in June-August or December-February. If officers attend a District training in a district other than District 25 during the June-August or December-February time periods, documentation must be submitted to the District 25 Program Quality Director in order to receive credit.

Super 7  Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame





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Make It To The Winners Podium


District 25 has a vision of strong healthy winning clubs with charter strength membership.

It takes just a minimum of eight members to get started by meeting the minimum membership requirements.

Don’t wait! Toastmaster International starts accepting spring membership renewals on
February 3rd. Contact your Club officers to pay your club’s dues online.

Clubs submitting a minimum of 8 members by March 20 for the Spring Renewal cycle
will receive the brand new ‘Make It To The Winners Podium’ ribbon
for their club banner as well as DCP on-time membership credit.

Click here to download flyer

Results – Club having renewed 8+ members as of March 20:


Division Area Name Winners Podium Banner Ribbon
& Eligible for Drawing
(7 – $50 TI Bucks)
A 15 Abilene Toastmasters Club 1071 YES
A 11 Afterburners Club YES
A 12 City of Denton Employees YES
A 14 Plus-Two Toastmasters YES
A 15 San Angelo Toastmasters YES YES
A 14 Something to Talk About YES
B 23 Crefmasters Toastmasters Club YES
B 22 Fear-Less Toastmasters YES YES
B 21 Grace Club YES
B 22 Lakeside Club YES
B 22 Mindful Masters YES
B 23 Mr. Cooper Speaks YES
B 23 Once Upon A Time YES
B 22 WBC Toastmasters YES
C 33 ACH Renaissance YES
C 34 Arlington Nooners Toastmasters Club YES
C 34 Fort Worth Project Management YES
C 35 Grand Orators YES YES
C 32 Highway To Excellence YES
C 31 Keller Communicators Club YES
C 32 MidCities Achievers YES
C 31 Off The Cuff YES
C 33 Pro A.M. Toastmasters Club YES
C 33 Skymasters Club YES
C 34 United Communicators Club YES
D 43 Burleson Toastmasters Club YES
D 43 First Command Club YES
D 45 Fish Pond Club YES
D 41 Out On The Town YES
D 45 Waco – Early Birds Club YES
D 45 Waco Texas Toasters YES YES
E 53 Alliance Networks YES
E 52 Denton Toastmasters Club YES
E 54 Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters YES YES
E 52 Progressive Leaders YES
E 53 Roanoke Texas Toastmasters YES
F 65 AAFCU Flying Toasters Club YES
F 62 Airport Toastmasters YES YES
F 64 Executive Leadership Toastmasters YES
F 62 Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club YES
F 63 Lewisville Area Toastmasters Club YES
F 61 Smiling Stars YES
F 62 Southlake Club YES
F 61 Thumbs Up Toastmasters YES
F 61 Top Flight Toastmasters Club YES
F 63 World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters Club YES
G 75 Irving Toastmasters Club YES
G 75 Leaders-Speakers of Tomorrow YES
G 73 MLCC Toastmasters YES YES
G 71 Nissan Toastmasters Club YES
G 74 Strategic Communicators YES
G 74 Westlake Smooth Talkers YES




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Helping Hands

“Helping hands, helping one another
I do all I can, with my helping hands”

Does your club meeting need a shot of energy?
D25 has a program that can help!
Are you a shot of energy for a club meeting?
D25 has an opportunity for you!

Click here for more details

Download flyer – share with fellow club members – click here

Become a Helping Hands Team Member who have attended 4 consecutive meetings
and earn reserved seating at the annual Conference plus a  challenge coin



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Happy Charterversary

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today,

The memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow!

A club picture and description (130 words or less)

And you are ready to memorialize this date.

And click right here to find the link.
Send us a note that you had a Charterversary celebration.
Include your club’s name, date of celebration and a little bit about your event.
Email: celebrate@d25toastmasters.org
Feel free to send pictures too!

Clubs that have shared their celebration details – click here
Photo Album With Picture –  click here

Consider sending photos to Toastmasters International too!
Click here for guidelines for sending pictures to Toastmasters International

Want a list of your charter members?
An Officer can go to Club Central
Administrative Reports then select ‘Charter Members’ from dropdown

Clubs having “Happy Charterversary” Celebrations

Club Name Charter Date Date of Celebration
Colleyville Toastmasters 6/7/2011 6/4/2021
FAA 10/1/1990 10/21/2020
Highway to Excellence 6/28/2013 6/17/2021
IT Egos 4/28/2010 5/18/2021
Leaders-Speakers of Tomorrow 6/20/2011 6/22/2021
Longhorn Toastmasters 10/1/1960 10/12/2020
MidCities Achievers 3/25/2002 4/19/2021
Once Upon A Time 3/10/2017 4/18/2021
Progressive Leaders of Denton County 9/26/2013 9/28/2020
Skymasters Club 12/5/2003 12/05/2020
Speak United 10/23/2015 11/12/2020







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Toastmasters International Virtual Victories

Toastmasters everywhere are still pursuing their personal and
professional goals SAFELY by meeting virtually online.

Share your story with the world and help inspire others!
Email socialmedia@toastmasters.org with a photo of your club’s online meeting
and what you’re doing to uphold Core Values for a chance to be featured
on this webpage and on social media!

Go to Toastmasters International and find out more!


Need ideas on how to be safe and move to virtual Meetings?
Find out some ideas  here!
Online Meeting Resources on TI SITE   – scroll through the HELPFUL RESOURCES here
More resources on the D25 Site – scroll thru the Club Meeting Resources  here


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Fast Out Of The Blocks

Are you the Early Bird Who Gets the Worm?

It takes just a minimum of 8 members to Get this Worm.

Did you know that you need a minimum of eight members to meet membership requirements?
Clubs that wait to pay until they receive dues from every member risk the chance
of missing the deadline and losing out on receiving DCP Credit.

Remember that dues can be paid online on the TI website. Club officers use your
single sign-on to pay your club’s dues online on the Toastmasters International website.

Once onsite checkout the other activities you can do as well.

Don’t forget that clubs paying their dues ON TIME during both
semi-annual dues periods will receive credit for the Five Star Club Award!

Clubs submitting dues by *
September 15 for October renewals
will receive

“Early Bird” ribbon for their club banner

* A minimum of 8 renewals must be entered/submitted
by date shown to receive ribbon.

Clubs having 8 or more renewals as of 9/15/2020

Club Club Name
6191 Afterburners Club
5537 Airport Toastmasters
5718 Alliance Networks
6572 Allied Electronics Spellbinders
2474402 ARBOR Toastmasters
7514 Arlington Nooners Toastmasters Club
1082726 Bethesda Toastmasters
5440 Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
1582921 Colleyville
6940540 Coppell Toastmasters
1737716 Crefmasters Toastmasters Club
3904978 Dyess Toastmasters
9646 Executive Leadership Toastmasters
1378170 Fort Worth Project Management
5297 Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club
1912 Grace Club
7173767 Grand Orators
3332446 Highway To Excellence
1483991 IT EGOS
621025 Keller Communicators Club
7742649 Link Toastmasters
9916 LM AeroSpeakers Club
3178 Longhorn Toastmasters Club
7694 MidCities Achievers
5966167 MLCC Toastmasters
4618496 NE Tarrant Toastmasters
5922 Nissan Toastmasters Club
897575 Out On The Town
4716146 Panther City Toastmasters
349 Plus-Two Toastmasters
3467810 Progressive Leaders of Denton County
4236 Roanoke Texas Toastmasters
1082792 Savvy Sayers
629 Six Twenty Nine Club
6619708 Smiling Stars
5518497 Something to Talk About
4987 Southlake Club
1415 Thumbs Up Toastmasters
3546 Waco – Early Birds Club
5529749 Waco Texas Toasters
2219278 WBC Toastmasters




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Leave ‘Em In The Dust

Click here for flyer

Information regarding the International proxy was emailed by
Toastmasters International to Club President and Club Secretary.
Find a copy here – click here
Toastmasters International virtual business meeting is August 28, 2020.

Information regarding the District Council annual meeting, held in May,
will be posted to D25toastmasters.org 30 days prior.
Information will also be available in the District newsletter (Hot Topics)
and sent via email to each club’s President and Vice President Education.

Note there are no proxies allowed for the Fall Virtual District Council meeting
taking place on September 13, 2020 at 3:30 pm.
Club’s President and Vice President Education must personally, virtually, attend.

Clubs Meeting Criteria – Division Winner Displayed

Club # Club Name Winner Div
6191 Afterburners Club
5537 Airport Toastmasters
5718 Alliance Networks
7514 Arlington Nooners Toastmasters Club
706449 Burleson Toastmasters Club YES D
638381 Centex Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
5440 Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
1582921 Colleyville YES C
3055 Denton Toastmasters Club
7594460 Fear-Less Toastmasters YES B
5297 Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club
3332446 Highway To Excellence
3365 Irving Toastmasters Club
1879279 Leaders-Speakers of Tomorrow
6480015 Lone Star Motormouths
3178 Longhorn Toastmasters Club
7694 MidCities Achievers
3349691 Mr. Cooper Speaks YES B
4618496 NE Tarrant Toastmasters
5922 Nissan Toastmasters Club
4354 Off The Cuff
897575 Out On The Town
4716146 Panther City Toastmasters
349 Plus-Two Toastmasters
3467810 Progressive Leaders of Denton County
4236 Roanoke Texas Toastmasters
1082792 Savvy Sayers YES E
5518497 Something to Talk About YES A
1082726 Texas Talkers
1415 Thumbs Up Toastmasters
6332 World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters Club YES F
7374505 XPO Logistics



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Gimme The Loot

Training Incentive – $25 worth of
Toastmasters International Gift Certificates

Training Incentive – $25 worth of Toastmaster International Gift Certificates

Trained officers mean high quality clubs.

Four trained officers means DCP points.

Four trained officers also mean LOOT!

(Officers Trained during the Jun-Aug session and Dec-Feb session)

Do you want the LOOT?

Have a minimum of four officers trained during the Fall (June – August) TLI Season,
and earn a $25 gift certificate to spend at the Toastmasters store.

Have a minimum of four officers trained during the Spring (December – February) TLI Season,
and earn a $25 gift certificate to spend at the Toastmasters store.

Have a minimum of four officers training in each TLI season, and you’ll earn a total of $60 in Toastmasters gift certificates.

To use your gift certificates, store items must be ordered using postal mail and the Product Order Form (1205A).
The product order form is located here
check instructions on how to redeem Toastmaster International gift certificates

Training Period – Summer (Jun-Aug) 2020-2021
Four or More Officers Trained

Club Number Club Name
643446 AAFCU Flying Toasters Club
1071 Abilene Toastmasters Club 1071
3214758 ACH Renaissance
6191 Afterburners Club
5537 Airport Toastmasters
5718 Alliance Networks
6572 Allied Electronics Spellbinders
2474402 ARBOR Toastmasters
7514 Arlington Nooners Toastmasters Club
4451849 Barrels and Banter
4355 Beach Club Toastmasters
6810 Bell Toastmasters
1082726 Bethesda Toastmasters
879088 BNSF Expressed Toastmasters
2975 BNSF Toastmasters Club
706449 Burleson Toastmasters Club
638381 Centex Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
1540842 Circle of Excellence
5440 Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
1582921 Colleyville
771978 Connection Communicators Club
6940540 Coppell Toastmasters
1737716 Crefmasters Toastmasters Club
3055 Denton Toastmasters Club
3904978 Dyess Toastmasters
2194281 Electric Toasters
9646 Executive Leadership Toastmasters
6102 FAA Toastmasters Club
7594460 Fear-Less Toastmasters
8474 First Command Club
5213 First Rate Toastmasters
7351 Fish Pond Club
4370 Flagship Speakers Toastmasters Club
1476720 Flower Mound Toastmasters
1378170 Fort Worth Project Management
5297 Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club
1912 Grace Club
7173767 Grand Orators
676842 Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers Club
3332446 Highway To Excellence
3365 Irving Toastmasters Club
1483991 IT EGOS
3626237 Jacobs – Fort Worth
621025 Keller Communicators Club
3692 Lakeside Club
5265032 Las Colinas Professionals
1879279 Leaders-Speakers of Tomorrow
7742649 Link Toastmasters
1009806 Little Elm Toastmasters
9916 LM AeroSpeakers Club
3332240 LM Evening Toastmasters
6480015 Lone Star Motormouths
3178 Longhorn Toastmasters Club
1847206 Mercedes-Benz Starspeakers
6792146 Microsoft Toasters 365
7694 MidCities Achievers
7663722 Mindful Masters
5966167 MLCC Toastmasters
3349691 Mr. Cooper Speaks
6989280 MS Texas Toast
3017469 NCTCOG Toastmasters
4618496 NE Tarrant Toastmasters
5922 Nissan Toastmasters Club
420 North Texas Toastmasters
1440249 Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters
7744858 NST Toastmasters Club
4354 Off The Cuff
6103644 Once Upon A Time
5031405 Oratory Excellence
897575 Out On The Town
4716146 Panther City Toastmasters
349 Plus-Two Toastmasters
4538 Power Communicators Toastmasters Club
7407 Pro A.M. Toastmasters Club
3467810 Progressive Leaders of Denton County
2184904 Project Managers & Systems Engineers
7179868 Region 6 Toastmasters
4236 Roanoke Texas Toastmasters
7768627 Safran Serve Denton Toastmasters Club
4486922 San Angelo Toastmasters
1082792 Savvy Sayers
629 Six Twenty Nine Club
593906 Skymasters Club
6619708 Smiling Stars
5518497 Something to Talk About
4987 Southlake Club
4923671 SPEAK UNITED Toastmasters Club
5286 Speak Up New Life
6868376 Speaking For Change
768318 Speaking With Class
3331520 Strategic Communicators
7502 Successful Speakers Club
4943717 Swesters Toastmasters
1415 Thumbs Up Toastmasters
9595 Tip Top Toastmasters
2517471 Top Flight Toastmasters Club
5788 Top of Texas Toastmasters
6530 United Communicators Club
2992028 UNTHSC Toastmasters
3993873 Vista Ridge Toastmasters
4567 Vizient Toastmasters
3546 Waco – Early Birds Club
5529749 Waco Texas Toasters
2219278 WBC Toastmasters
6332 World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters Club


Training Period – Winter (Dec-Feb) 2020-2021
Four or More Officers Trained


Club Number Club Name
643446 AAFCU Flying Toasters Club
3214758 ACH Renaissance
6191 Afterburners Club
5537 Airport Toastmasters
5718 Alliance Networks
2474402 ARBOR Toastmasters
7514 Arlington Nooners Toastmasters Club
4451849 Barrels and Banter
1082726 Bethesda Toastmasters
879088 BNSF Expressed Toastmasters
2975 BNSF Toastmasters Club
706449 Burleson Toastmasters Club
638381 Centex Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
1540842 Circle of Excellence
7843828 City of Denton Employees
5440 Clearly Speaking Toastmasters
1582921 Colleyville
771978 Connection Communicators Club
6940540 Coppell Toastmasters
1737716 Crefmasters Toastmasters Club
3055 Denton Toastmasters Club
2194281 Electric Toasters
9646 Executive Leadership Toastmasters
6102 FAA Toastmasters Club
7594460 Fear-Less Toastmasters
8474 First Command Club
5213 First Rate Toastmasters
7351 Fish Pond Club
4370 Flagship Speakers Toastmasters Club
1378170 Fort Worth Project Management
5297 Golden Triangle Toastmasters Club
1912 Grace Club
7173767 Grand Orators
3332446 Highway To Excellence
3365 Irving Toastmasters Club
621025 Keller Communicators Club
3692 Lakeside Club
5265032 Las Colinas Professionals
1879279 Leaders-Speakers of Tomorrow
7742649 Link Toastmasters
1009806 Little Elm Toastmasters
9916 LM AeroSpeakers Club
6480015 Lone Star Motormouths
3178 Longhorn Toastmasters Club
6792146 Microsoft Toasters 365
7694 MidCities Achievers
5966167 MLCC Toastmasters
3349691 Mr. Cooper Speaks
4618496 NE Tarrant Toastmasters
5922 Nissan Toastmasters Club
1440249 Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters
7744858 NST Toastmasters Club
4354 Off The Cuff
6103644 Once Upon A Time
897575 Out On The Town
4716146 Panther City Toastmasters
349 Plus-Two Toastmasters
7407 Pro A.M. Toastmasters Club
3467810 Progressive Leaders
4236 Roanoke Texas Toastmasters
4486922 San Angelo Toastmasters
1082792 Savvy Sayers
629 Six Twenty Nine Club
593906 Skymasters Club
6619708 Smiling Stars
5518497 Something to Talk About
4987 Southlake Club
6868376 Speaking For Change
768318 Speaking With Class
3331520 Strategic Communicators
4943717 Swesters Toastmasters
1415 Thumbs Up Toastmasters
2517471 Top Flight Toastmasters Club
825 Top Notch Toastmasters – TNT
5788 Top of Texas Toastmasters
6530 United Communicators Club
3993873 Vista Ridge Toastmasters
3546 Waco – Early Birds Club
305 Wichita Falls Club 305
6332 World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters Club



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Running Your Marathon

Finish by 1/32/2021
Earn A Banner Ribbon!!

Download flyer –  share with fellow cub members – click here

Club Name Earned a Running Your Marathon Banner Ribbon
Afterburners Club YES
Progressive Leaders YES
Southlake Club YES



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The Most Wonderful Time of The Year



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When your club has all seven officers trained in BOTH TLI sessions,
you will be entered into a drawing to receive a complete set of Officer Pins ($60 value).

One club will be chosen from each Division so there will be 7 winners.
Pins will be awarded at the 2021 Annual Conference.

Results of Incentive
The following clubs had all 7 officers trained both terms!


Club Number Div Club Name ELIGIBLE for Stupendous 7 Drawing
for officer pins
Stupendous 7
Drawing Winner
6191 A Afterburners Club YES
3178 A Longhorn Toastmasters Club YES
4716146 A Panther City Toastmasters YES YES
6868376 A Speaking For Change YES
6940540 B Coppell Toastmasters YES YES
3349691 B Mr. Cooper Speaks YES
2474402 C ARBOR Toastmasters YES
7514 C Arlington Nooners Toastmasters Club YES
7694 C MidCities Achievers YES
4354 C Off The Cuff YES
7407 C Pro A.M. Toastmasters Club YES
593906 C Skymasters Club YES YES
638381 D Centex Clearly Speaking Toastmasters YES YES
897575 D Out On The Town YES
1082726 E Bethesda Toastmasters YES
879088 E BNSF Expressed Toastmasters YES
1440249 E Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters YES YES
3467810 E Progressive Leaders YES
9646 F Executive Leadership Toastmasters YES
1415 F Thumbs Up Toastmasters YES YES
768318 G Speaking With Class YES
3331520 G Strategic Communicators YES YES



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Pot O’ Gold

Download Flyer – share with fellow club members – click here

Results of Challenge


Name # of Members on
# of Renewing Members on 3-17 POT of GOLD Drawing WINNER
AAFCU Flying Toasters Club 10 8 YES
Denton Toastmasters Club 12 9
First Command Club 9 8
Fort Worth Project Management 11 11
Leaders-Speakers of Tomorrow 9 8
Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters 11 8
San Angelo Toastmasters 10 8
Strategic Communicators 9 10
Top Flight Toastmasters Club 9 8

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Embracing Pathways 2020-2021

Embracing Pathways

Send in Your Club Roster showing 85% of your members signed up on Pathways
completed their assessments (which you can see if you run a club roster) and
your club will receive an “Embracing Pathways” Ribbon for your banner.

If 100% of your members have signed up on Pathways
completed a level or more by April 30, 2020, you will be presented a
banner ribbon for “100% Members Embracing Pathways”.

Submit your roster with education level and pathways enrolled – click here


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Pass the Baton of Club Leads

Information on new club lead (community club or corporate club) should be submitted via this form:
Click here to complete form with new club lead information.

It will be sent to Club Growth Director, Marcheta Gardner

Click here to download flyer

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Toastmasters International Traveling Toastmaster


Traveling Toastmaster
(Toastmasters International Contest)

Get Creative! Traveling Toastmaster wants to highlight creativity in quarantine!
Take a picture in your home or socially distancing with your magazine or other
Toastmasters memorabilia. Send your fun photos to photos@toastmasters.org.

Check out past Traveling Toastmaster Pictures – click here

From the November 2018 Magazine – Traveling Toastmaster Section
Marylee Mims, DTM, Past District Governor 2014-2014
(read article from Marylee – click here)




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Club Open House

Monthly drawing for $25 Toastmasters International gift certificate
for clubs having an Open House.

Submit photo(s) and/or agenda to
Your photo(s) will appear on our D25 website!
There is a monthly drawing for $25 TI bucks for clubs who submit photos.
Submit information by the 3rd of the month following the open house.
Drawing will take place on the 10th of each month.
For more information about open house meetings, click here.
For helpful resources for open houses, click here.

Consider sending photos to Toastmasters International too!
Click here for guidelines for sending pictures to Toastmasters International

Double the fun and your winnings!  Make your open house a Golden Gavel meeting too!

If your club is the winner, AND it is a Golden Gavel meeting, your club wins an additional
$25 TI gift certificate!  Click here for rules for Golden Gavel meetings.

The Road to Victory starts with an OPEN HOUSE

Submit information by the 3rd of the month following open house
to take part in a drawing.
Drawing will take place on the 10th of each month.
Example:  For open house that occurred in August submission
must be made by September 3rd and August drawing done September 10th.

Check D25 Facebook for pictures

Ribbons for club showing proof of open house will be mailed to
Club President.  Only one ribbon per TM year.

More information on open houses – click here
For helpful resources for open houses, click here.

*See Golden Gavel rules

Monthly Drawing Winners

July – Something to Talk About
August – Savvy Sayers
September – UNTHSC
October – Longhorn
November –
December – Panther City
January –
February – Mr. Cooper Speaks
March – World Renowned Grand Prairie Toastmasters
April – MidCities Achievers
May – Highway to Excellence
June – Out on The Town

*Double winner – Open House/Golden Gavel Meeting


June 2021
(click on club name to view photos)

6/12/2021 (Winner)



May 2021
(click on club name to view photos)

5/17/2021 (Golden Gavel)

5/20/2021 (Golden Gavel/Winner)

NE Tarrant Toastmasters

5/17/2021 (Golden Gavel)



April 2021
(click on club name to view photos)


4/19/2021 (Charterversary/Winner)

4/24/2021 (Golden Gavel)

4/16/2021 (Charterversary)

March 2021
(click on club name to view photos)

3/2/2021 (Golden Gavel)


FAA Toastmasters

3/2/2021 (Golden Gavel)


3/18/2021 (Golden Gavel

3/16/2021 (Winner)

February 2021
(click on club name to view photos)

Mr. Cooper Speaks

2/24/2021 (Winner)

December 2020
(click on club name to view photos)

12/01/20 – Golden Gavel Meeting

12/10/20 (Winner)
(Golden Gavel)

October 2020
(click on club name to view photos)

10/12/2020 – Winner
(Golden Gavel Meeting/Charterversary)


September 2020
(click on club name to view photos)


9/22/2020 – Winner

August 2020
(click on club name to view photos)


Longhorn Toastmasters



Savvy Sayers

8/13/2020 – Winner

July 2020
(click on club name to view photos)

Something to Talk About

(because this open house wasn’t posted until July 2020 it was part of the July drawing) – winner




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Clubs and Members
Recognized at Annual Awards Banquet





The Smedley Award

Toastmasters International
Club Membership Building Contest

Smedley Award
Program Dates: August 1 – September 30

In honor of Ralph Smedley, can your club add five new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1 and September 30? By doing so you’ll qualify to receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon to display on your club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Applications and payments for members who join between August 1 and September 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than September 30. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be for August or September. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Smedley Award” credit.

The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the contest ending. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States.

Smedley Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame

Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website



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Golden Gavel Award




Clubs with well-run, lively, and educational meetings that meet the needs of their members earn the Golden Gavel Award. This award is recognized with a ribbon that can be added to their club banner, and is awarded annually to a club at the annual Awards Banquet. (Prior to 2012-13 a patch was presented to club to be sewn on banner.)

The club must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Members and guests are greeted warmly and enthusiastically.
  • Meeting starts and adjourns on time.
  • 15 or more club members must be present (clubs with fewer than 20 members must have 75% of members present).
  • At least one non-Toastmaster guest is present.
  • There is applause after every speaker – functionaries included. *
  • All speeches are path speeches.
  • Evaluations are both specific and supportive.
  • Participants are positively recognized and ribbons/rotating trophies are awarded. *
  • Members wear badges and guests are given name tags. *
  • Printed agendas are distributed and followed with 3 or fewer assignment changes to the agenda. *
  • Table Topics are interesting and/or fun – participants are able to speak the full time period.

* Virtual meetings – Adjust as needed to remain complaint with local laws & recommendations.
• Applause – If non-speakers are muted, some video conferencing options allow virtual applause or Jazz hands.
• Recognition with ribbons/rotating trophies. Some video conferencing options may allow surveys, chat, polling.
Awards can be virtual. Recognition is the important component and should be included if possible.
• Printed Agendas – can be emailed to all or posted in the chat for guests.
• Name badges – the participant or meeting organizer can often rename the attendees if needed.

Area/Division Directors: Click here to submit Golden Gavel Meetings.

Golden Gavel clubs listed on District 25 Hall of Fame 

Download the Current Golden Gavel Flyer (PDF)



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5 Star Club Award

Five Star Club Membership Requirements:
– Dues renewal on time in fall
– Add 4 New Members
– Add 4 More New Members
– Dues renewal on time in spring
– Club has 20 members or net growth of 5 by June 30

Privileges Include:
– Exclusive ribbon for club banner
– Honorable mention in District Newsletter
– Publication in Spring Conference Program*
– Announcement on District Website Hall of Fame
– Special recognition at Spring Conference Awards Lunch*

Details: Clubs must submit dues on time during both renewal periods. Dues must be submitted no later than September 30** and March 31** of the current Toastmaster year to receive on-time credit. On June 30, clubs must have 20 paid members or a net growth of 5 members if the base membership was below 20 as reported on July 1. Clubs must add 4 members, which are defined as new, dual, or reinstated members, and an additional 4 members between July 1 and June 30 of the current Toastmaster year. Results will be tracked from reports provided by Toastmasters International. Clubs have until June 30 to complete all five requirements.

* Clubs that complete all 5 by April 30 will be recognized at the annual Awards Banquet

** – Toastmasters International changed date requirement for dues submission 2016-2017

Five Star Club Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame 


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Pacesetter Awards

Description of Pacesetter Awards:

5 or more Level 1 Awards
Excellence in Education  Level 1 Award Ribbon (Purple)

5 or more Level 2 Awards
Excellence in Education  Level 2 Award Ribbon (Color TBA)

3 or more Level 3 Awards
Excellence in Education  Level 3 Award Ribbon (Color TBA)

3 or more Level 4 or Level 5 or DTM Awards
Excellence in Education  Level 4, 5, DTM Award Ribbon (Color TBA)

9 or more New members
Excellence in Marketing Award Ribbon (Green)

5 DCP Goals by January 31
Excellence in Goal Setting Award Ribbon (Maroon)

Pacesetter Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame


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Individual Membership Building Contest

Toastmasters International
Individual Contest Building Program
Annual Membership Program

Program Dates: July 1 – June 30, of the following year

Membership growth is important to ensure club success. As a sponsor of five new members, you will qualify to receive a unique sponsor’s pin. As an outstanding sponsor of 10 new members, you will qualify to receive a special pin. Effective July 1, 2009, as a sponsor of 15 new members, you will qualify to receive a special discount code for 25% off your next product purchase from Toastmasters International World Headquarters. Discount is not valid with any other offer. You’ve also made a significant contribution to your club’s long-term success. To receive credit as a sponsor, your name must appear on the membership application along with your home club number. Please print or type information legibly. No changes can be made to the applications once they are received by World Headquarters. New, dual and reinstated members count for credit; transfer and charter members do not. The new members join dates must fall within the July to June range. All applications and payments must be received at World Headquarters no later than June 30.

List of those receiving this recognition posted on District 25 Hall of Fame

Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website





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Talk Up Toastmasters

Toastmasters International
Club Membership Building Contest

Talk Up Toastmasters!
Program Dates: February 1 – March 31

Toastmasters love to talk, so take advantage of it. During the “Talk Up Toastmasters” membership contest, you can encourage your members to invite guests to a special meeting where regular procedures are augmented by a discussion of Toastmasters’ many benefits. Add five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between February 1 and March 31 to receive a special “Talk up Toastmasters” ribbon to display on your club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Applications and payments for members who join between February 1 and March 31 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than March 31. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be for February or March. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count for credit toward “Talk Up Toastmasters” credit.

The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the contest ending. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States.

Talk Up Toastmasters Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame

Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website 





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Beat The Clock

Toastmasters Internaional
Club Membership Building Contest

Beat the Clock
Program Dates: May 1 – June 30

Toastmasters are taught to run meetings on time, finish speeches on time and reach membership goals on time. In that spirit, “Beat the Clock” is a great motivator for finishing the year on schedule—and with a bang. The goal for your club is to earn the “Beat the Clock” award! Make this a contest in your club to encourage every member to get involved. Clubs adding five new, dual or reinstated members during May and June receive a “Beat the Clock” ribbon to display on the club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Applications and payments for members who join between May 1 and June 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than June 30. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be for May or June. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Beat the Clock” credit.

The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the contest ending. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States

Beat the Clock Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame

Click here to view details on Toastmasters International website

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Any club beginning the year with 12 or fewer members and building membership to charter strength (20) or greater
will receive the District 25 Phoenix Award ribbon that can be proudly displayed on their club’s banner.

Phoenix Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame


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20+ Club


District Director 20+ Club Award

Strong clubs strive to maintaining their base membership at Charter Strength (20 members).
Each club that ends the year with 20 or more members receive the 20+ Club Award.

(Year-end DCP reports from Toastmasters International used
to determine clubs that met criteria for this District award.)

Note: The ribbon for club banner will be presented at the Awards Banquet..

District Director 20+ Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame

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Kaizen Award


Kaizen Club Award

Kaizen is the Japanese art of continuous improvement.
It stresses the need to continually improve the way that things are
done in order to achieve high levels of quality from year to year.
At the club level, it is important to keep this in mind —
if we’re not doing anything to improve our clubs,
we remain stagnant and eventually begin to backtrack.

Each year, District 25 recognizes clubs that has been at least Distinguished for 3 years in a row.
This is a major accomplishment for a club, and District 25
is proud to be able to recognize these clubs
for their efforts both over the past year and in years prior.

Clubs that are Presidents Distinguished 3 years in a row or
longer receive the prestigious District Director’s Quality Award,
which is the highest award a club can receive from the District.

Kaizen Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame

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District Director Quality Award

District Director Quality Award

The District 25 Direcor’s Quality Award recognizes clubs that are
President’s Distinguished over a continuous 3-year period.

This is the highest award a club can receive from the District.

The clubs that are able to achieve and maintain this level of excellence
prove year after year their commitment to their members and
to the organization by signing up new members and
getting them through the educational program.

District 25 is proud to have these consistently high-achieving clubs in its District.

District Directory Quality Award Recipients listed on District 25 Hall of Fame

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Triple Crown

Triple Crown Incentive


Any member earning 3 or more Education Awards will be awarded a triple crown pin.

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Outstanding Club Website Award

Have a great club website?

Check out details on club website award

Check out Hall of Fame – outstanding website award winners

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Promotions from previous years:


