Outstanding Leader – December 2024
by Jesse Ford DTM District Director If you were to ask people (nonmembers) what they think of when they hear the word “Toastmasters” you might…
Here’s the latest news from District 25. We post stories and photos about the doings of our members, clubs, and the district. There are also helpful articles to make you a better Toastmaster and your club more effective.
Each story has a label or category to help you find articles on specific subjects. Click on any category to view all posts related to that category.
You can also use the Archive drop down to view posts by date and quickly jump to a particular month.
by Jesse Ford DTM District Director If you were to ask people (nonmembers) what they think of when they hear the word “Toastmasters” you might…
by Jesse Ford DTM District Director When people talk about the members of District 25 and what makes them great, you typically will hear things…
Denton Toastmasters – #3365– Open House, Charterversary Our Charterversary/Open House was a HUGE SUCCESS!! We were 24 members and guests strong. It was a fun evening…
by Phylliss Christian-Daniels DTM Program Quality Director District 25 Toastmasters, Get ready and Mark Your Calendars for a VIP Experience like no other! Our Annual…
by Emily Murray DTM Past District Director Leadership Chair As this year’s District Leadership Committee Chair, I invite you to nominate yourself or another member…
by Phylliss Christian-Daniels DTM Program Quality Director District 25 Officers, I want to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the dedicated…
by Jim Chappel Division F Director I arrived in New Orleans 15 hours after the horrific terrorist attack which killed 15 innocent people enjoying NYE…
By Denise McConnell DTM Club Growth Director Increased Membership: Chartering 35 clubs in District 25 would undoubtedly lead to a significant increase in membership. Each…
by Jesse Ford DTM District Director When you’re a club member, you get training in Pathways and from fellow members. If you are a club…
Dear District 25 Toastmasters, To all the wonderful good little girls and boys in District 25, Santa Chuck has a special message. It was crafted…