by John Aparicio Division D Director
Serving as Division D Director has been quite a daring adventure. I did not know what I was in for with the ‘23 – ‘24 year. I was met with challenges at every turn but was determined to keep sharing my sunshine no matter what! Whether it was grief from a tragic loss, or a ghastly broken ankle, amongst other curveballs, my Toastmasters Family was always there to lift me up and help me along this worthy path of leadership. No matter what you are facing, District 25 will be there for you.
Early on in my year as Division Director, I began making a path forward for my continued leadership. I searched for a veteran leader as a mentor, and she has been a wealth of knowledge and provided valuable guidance helping me with different strategies to accomplish my goals. I also surrounded myself with like-minded Toastmasters and together, we have a glowing future of possibilities.
I have learned so much and the growth I’ve seen in myself in Senior Leadership has been astonishing. More importantly, seeing the positive impact I can make in helping others find what I have found in Toastmasters is more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and serve this loving District, I promise you will not be disappointed.
Division D is shining bright! I am so proud of all my Area Directors for the hard work and dedication they have put in this year. Giving back to our District with such an amazing group of people, we have become like family, immediately bonding at the Leadership Advance Camp. We’ve accomplished many things this year, but it isn’t over yet, and we will finish strong. Keep looking forward with hope and encouragement as we take our District to the stars!