by Phylliss Christian-Daniels, DTM, Club Growth Director
As we step into the new year, let’s enjoy the glow of opportunity with our 2023-2024 incentive rewards – Sunshine to Sunshine, Five-For-Five, Nemilita Networking, and the latest addition, Pick A Path In Pathways. These incentives are not just goals; they are the golden nuggets that enhance our journey toward collective success.
Sunshine to Sunshine encourages us to reach out and share the warmth of our Toastmasters experience. By extending our rays to neighboring clubs, we not only enrich our journey, we also strengthen the bonds that make our district a community of growth and support.
Five For Five challenges us to visit five clubs that we’re not a member of. This collaborative effort not only enhances personal development but acts as a catalyst for club growth, creating a ripple effect that echoes across the district.
Nemilita Networking Nine invites us to connect, collaborate, and conquer challenges together. When we manifest connections beyond our club walls, we amplify our impact, creating a network that drives us toward unparalleled heights of achievement.
Our newest incentive, Pick A Path In Pathways is the compass guiding us through the diverse models of skill development. It empowers us to tailor our journey, ensuring that each of us finds our unique path to success within the Toastmasters program.
These incentives are not just about personal achievements; they are about sharing the wealth of knowledge, experience, and camaraderie with fellow Toastmasters. By doing so, we not only strengthen our own clubs we also contribute to the collective strength of District 25.
Let us embrace these incentives wholeheartedly, recognizing their power to transform not only our individual paths but also the course of Club Growth in District 25. Together, let’s make the 2023-2024 Toastmasters year a sunny example of our commitment to excellence and growth.