by Emily Murray, DTM, IPDD
I absolutely LOATHE being cold. Hate isn’t even strong enough — LOATHE is the word! Pair this with my deep-seated need to create pretty things with my hands (I started taking art classes before I could talk), and what do you get? Quilts, obviously!
When I moved to New Zealand, the only sewing I had ever done was cross-stitch. Despite my lack of sewing experience, I decided to visit a local quilting group in 2010. They were excited until they found out I didn’t own or know how to use a sewing machine. They panicked a little, but I didn’t. I love jumping into the deep end and being REALLY stubborn.
They suggested I start with a small tabletop sampler to learn skills. Nope — I wanted to make quilts. I started with a twin-size quilt for my niece. It’s been a rolling snowball ever since.
People often tell me they wouldn’t have the patience to quilt. They must not know me well, because patience isn’t my strong suit. I crave immediate satisfaction, and quilting gives me that. Taking big pieces of fabric and cutting them into exactly measured small pieces is satisfying. Then I sew those into pairs and watch the piles grow and shrink. Near the end, when I lay out the pieces to see the final product, I get giddy with anticipation.
The best part, though, is giving it away. I pour so much time, money, excitement, and love into my quilts, and sharing that energy with someone else — literally wrapping them up in it — is magnificent.
Fast forward to now, and I have a glorious quilt for the raffle at the 2023-2024 Year End Celebration on Aug 24. When I saw the pattern, I gasped. It was so bright, so bold, and so different! I HAD to make it. I don’t have a better photo because it’s with the professional long-armer, doing the one thing I can’t.
Unfortunately, ticket sales for the celebration itself are closed, BUT you can still get raffle tickets to win the quilt. You don’t have to be present to win. Click this link for raffle tickets: Year-End Celebration 2024. It’s the only item in the raffle, and the winner takes all. Good luck, and I’ll be jealous because this is one quilt that I really wanted to keep!