by Laurie McKee, D25 2023-2024 Recognition Chair
The Recognition Chair is a District Role I had no idea existed until last year. When asked if I was interested, my first question was “What is a Recognition Chair?” The upshot is that the Chair tracks member and club awards. After a few phone calls to past chairs, I accepted saying it sounds fun.
Just what did I agree to? This was answered by shadowing Jill Morrison, the 2022-2023 Recognition Chair. Through conversations with Jill, I realized that award tracking was only one part of the role. Creating the Year End Celebration program, ordering supplies (ribbons, pins, contest trophies, etc.), and Co-Chairing the Year End Celebration were also included in the role. Yikes!!! Deep breath, my Co-Chair is Joyce Trimble, we will be fine. Time to delve into the incentives.
Did you realize there are nine District incentives and 13 awards above and beyond Pathways levels and Distinguished Club Program awards? Some are unique to District 25, while others are specified by Toastmasters International. All are designed to encourage member involvement.
Each year our District Leaders assess incentives to align with their vision for the new District 25 year. Some are removed and others are introduced. This year three incentives were added; one for individual members – 5-For-5 Evaluations (double dip these with the Nemileta Network Nine Incentive.) Two club incentives are “From Sunshine to Sunshine” (two clubs get together) and “Renew 8 by July 31.” The “Renew 8 by July 31” is complete; 50 clubs have earned this award! The complete listing and descriptions are available at
As with all Toastmasters roles, one is never alone. Just ask a question and it will get answered. In my case, Jill was fantastic, ensuring that I was included in all phases of the Year End Celebration and Recognition Chair tasks. A heartfelt thank you, Jill! (You’re still on my speed dial.)