by Tessie Kau Area 21 Director
What is a DEC? The District Executive Committee (DEC) serves as the voice of District 25. DEC meets quarterly, and the most recent and final meeting of the year took place on April 1, 2023–and no, it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke. The primary purposes of DEC meetings are to provide training for Division and Area Directors and to conduct the district’s business proceedings.
During the business meeting, district leaders and Division Directors delivered reports on the progress and status of their respective teams. Following this, the training session began. The training activities encompassed sharing of stresses and strengths, a round of Toastmaster Bingo for networking, and practicing conflict resolution through a role-playing exercise. The emphasis was on effective resolution of conflicts without exacerbating the situation. A bonding exercise further enhanced the training experience, as enjoyable learning in a relaxed atmosphere is believed to be more effective.
Stresses and strengths encountered throughout the year, such as Area Director visit reports and contests, were also openly shared among the participants. A fun-filled activity of hitting pinatas was organized outdoors to alleviate stress and celebrate successes. As a novice Area Director, the experience has been immensely enriching, not only in terms of learning the responsibilities of the role but also in terms of self-discovery and personal growth.
The most valuable lesson learned is that as Area Directors, we are not alone in our roles–the DEC is always ready, willing, and able to support and assist each other. Reflecting on the journey, the opportunity to serve as an Area Director has been highly rewarding, and I wholeheartedly encourage others to embrace the challenge when presented with a similar opportunity.