by Emily Murray DTM Program Quality Director
Family dinner – a time of conversation and jokes. Time to catch up and connect. To relax and let the stress of the day go. To have a little fun to ease into the evening with.
Family dinner – a time to share and grow and learn together. A time to share food, stories, lives, and thoughts. To meet other members of our extended family and make new friends.
Family dinner – a time to be part of the whole. To connect. To build relationships and networks. To help each other. To see what each other is doing.
Family dinner – D25 is a family. A big one. We want to see you and get to know you better. Come to our casual monthly virtual family dinner- bring your food.
Family dinner is the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 630-730pm. You can always find the link on the D25 calendar. But also- it’s here for you. And remember- this is family dinner- you are part of D25 and part of the family. You are always welcome and wanted.