by Marcheta Gardner DTM District Director
This month we’re recognizing an “unsung hero!” This person shows up, in person and virtually, to support and do the jobs that most would not do. He raises his hand when someone asks for help or to join in one of their toastmasters’ meetings and take on a role.
This person holds a passion for the success of his club members, Area, Division, District, and Toastmasters as a whole! Just ask him anything about Toastmasters, and likely he’ll tell you the book, chapter, and verse… LOL!
He’s a joy to be around and to serve with… always a story at the ready. He mentors and pours into many in his club and across the District! Perfect example, he leveraged the Nemileta Nine Networking incentive to gain participants and members for his beloved club – The Heart of Texas Bridgegappers!
Okay, no mystery now… CONGRATULATIONS to Gary Lee Webb for being an Outstanding Toastmaster and a giving person! We appreciate you, Sir!