Good AdviceTLI

Why Attend Another TLI?

by Jesse Ford DL4/SR3 Division G Director If I got trained over the summer, why do I have to do it again? Because I said so. Didn’t you hate that answer as a kid? In truth, TLI training is a requirement by Toastmasters International. That seems a little redundant and not very inspiring, but I…

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Networking with #Nemileta9

by Emily Murray DTM Club Growth Director You’ve heard the term, but what the heck is it? And what is a Nemileta and why are we networking for it? This incentive is the only way to earn a district focus pin this year — besides serving in district leadership. How do you earn it? Mark…

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Good AdviceIncentivesNemileta

How To Overcome Glossophobia

by Lila Shrestha, VPE, NST Toastmasters Club Glossophobia. What is it? The fear of … You guessed it. Public speaking. After fifteen months at NST Toastmasters Club, the D25 incentive, Nemileta Networking Nine, prompted me to visit other Toastmasters Clubs, to deliver speeches to new audiences, and more importantly, to challenge myself to break my…

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Good AdviceIncentivesNemileta

Benefits of #Nemileta9 Visitors

by Gary Lee Webb, DTM Heart of Texas BridgeGappers has enjoyed visits from six Nemileta guests. You’ve heard of the Nemileta Networking Nine incentive, haven’t you? Guests always benefit a Toastmasters chapter, doubly true when they’re working toward the #Nemileta9. Visitors bring variety — thus enriching the meeting experience. Nemileta guests come from many different…

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Good Advice

“Grow Yourself”

by Shameika McAllister IP4 Oratory Excellence When a person hears the phrase “grow yourself” it often brings a bit of concern or even hesitation. Why is this? Because you are required to reflect and take accountability for all that has become a hindrance to you or to your goals.  So, how do we grow? Start…

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Good Advice

How Toastmasters Inspired a New Treasured Habit

by Ankur Bora PM5 Highway to Excellence Toastmasters is a place to improve one’s communication skills through prepared speeches, evaluations, and participating in Table Topics. Toastmasters is also a place where you can build good habits and enrich your life. Friends, I developed a unique habit at Toastmasters: gifting books along with a personalized letter.…

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