This email was sent to District Directors, Program Quality Directors, Club Growth Directors, Region Advisors, Club Presidents, Vice Presidents Membership, Vice Presidents Education, and the Board of Directors from Toastmasters International, on January 6, 2020, through email.
January 6, 2020
Dear Toastmaster,
I am pleased to share some good news: Toastmasters International and Rotary International are working together to provide our members with more opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Rotary International is a global organization that brings leaders together to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. Rotary currently has 1.2 million members in 200 countries.
Because of this alliance, there is much excitement about leveraging unique and similar strengths. It’s a chance for each of us to establish fellowship and connections, and potentially strengthen our clubs.
Many of us joined Toastmasters to strengthen our public speaking and communication skills, and to become more effective leaders. This alliance will provide us new opportunity to apply these skills, make new connections, and contribute to our communities.
I hope you will join us in supporting this collaboration. You can do so by:
- Welcoming a Rotarian to visit a Toastmasters club
- Inviting a Rotarian to be a guest speaker at a Toastmasters club
- Considering opportunities to hold a joint Toastmasters/Rotary club meeting
- Learning more about Rotary and visiting a local Rotary club
These can meet some of the evolving needs of our current and prospective members and diversify our membership.
We are assisting Rotary to develop a structured, in-depth leadership and communication development program for their members, with a phased rollout of eight courses scheduled for 2020. It is currently in the early stages of development; updates will be provided as they are available.
For FAQ and to learn more, please visit
Deepak Menon
International President 2019-2020
Toastmasters International