by Jesse Ford, District Logistics Manager
I am a member of and count myself blessed to be the Vice President Education for the corporate club Mr. Cooper Speaks. We meet every Wednesday at noon in one of our conference rooms but that is not what I wanted to share. On October 30, we had a theme meeting around Halloween. We decided the theme would be “Spook-a-thon” as a play on our traditional “Speech-a-thon”. We had five members give speeches. For this meeting, we kept our traditional format but made some changes to attract other guests and for the enjoyment of all in attendance.
One of the people who went over and above to make this meeting a success was our current club Sergeant At Arms Brandon Fetterman. Brandon and I joined Toastmasters at Mr Cooper together when the department we both worked in did a partnership open house event with the club back in 2018. Brandon is on the Dynamic Leadership Path and is currently one speech away from finishing Level 2.
During our “Spook-a-thon” meeting Brandon volunteered to create to make a prop “campfire” which added an extra special spark!
Joyce Trimble was our Toastmaster AKA “Camp Director” that day and it brought our meeting to a whole new level. Thank you Brandon for all you do. It is members and now officers like Brandon that help make our corporate club a continued success. Brandon will be presented with a district challenge coin in our weekly meeting on November 20, as a token of gratitude and appreciation for all he does.