by Robi Ley, DTM, District Director
District 25 has a long-standing tradition; our past district leaders stay active in the district, lending their experience to the team. This month, we’d like to recognize our Immediate Past District Director, DTM Greg Pick for his ongoing support and contributions.
In addition to the normal role of IPDD, which is a support role for the current trio, Greg also contributes his time and talent as the Pathways Coordinator, a TLI trainer, and ongoing support as an officer in several of his clubs. He is also the Chair of the District Leadership Committee, an important step in finding our future leaders.
As Pathways Coordinator, Greg continues to work with the Pathways guides who are still working with clubs and serves as a guide himself when called for. His unflagging energy, support, and encouragement are greatly appreciated by the entire district leadership. His clubs also benefit from his contributions, and the members have a better, quality club experience for it.
Thank you, Greg Pick, January’s outstanding member for District 25.