by Jamie Pickering, DTM, Program Quality Director
TLI is the best place to learn skills that will help you lead your club, gain confidence about your role, and get great tips on raising your kids. Ok, we won’t specifically help you with that last one, but we will help you be a stronger more confident leader. Will you join us?
Toastmasters Leadership Institute, aka ‘TLI’, aka ‘Officer Training’, aka ‘selfie on Facebook backdrop’ is an opportunity for all members of Toastmasters to learn. That’s right, ALL members, it’s not just for Officers!
Are you thinking of taking on an officer role but not sure of the responsibilities? Pop in and get the skinny on all the roles.
Are you wanting more information on being a Club Mentor or Coach and are too afraid to ask? Sign up for the electives and let your mind expand.
We are constantly working to bring new and fresh ideas to training for our members to soak up and take back to their clubs. Successful clubs know that officers need training every 6 months, even if they don’t change roles. Why? You never know who is going to give you that next 20-member idea! This season there is an extra special bonus – when 4 or more of your club officers attend training the club will get $30 TI bucks! Imagine all the badges you can buy your members for $30 TI bucks!
Come join us – more dates are being posted soon. See at TLI